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Event Details: 

  • October 31, 2024: Application Open
  • January 3, 2025: Application Deadline 
  • January 13-17, 2025: Invitations Released
  • January 21, 2025: Confirmation of Attendance Due
  •  February 14-15, 2025: Tennessee Junior Science and Humanities Symposium 
  • April 22-26, 2025: National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium Chantilly, VA

Competition Location:

  • University of Tennessee Student Union
    1502 Cumberland Avenue
    Knoxville, TN 37916


  • The Tennessee Junior Science and Humanities Symposium gives high school students a chance to present original scientific research in a public forum and compete for scholarships, while providing participants opportunities for hands-on workshops, panel discussions, career exploration, and research lab visits.

Important Notice

  • Every student, whether a presenting or non-presenting participant, must be accompanied by a teacher who has been approved by the school principal. If a student’s teacher mentor cannot attend the TJSHS, another teacher from the student’s school who is approved by the student’s school principal may accompany the student.


  • Promote research and experimentation in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) at the high school level.
  • Recognize the significance of research in human affairs and the importance of human and ethical principles in the application of research results.
  • Search out talented youth and their teachers, recognize their accomplishments at symposia, and encourage their continued interest and participation in the STEM disciplines.
  • Expand the horizons of research-oriented students by exposing them to opportunities in the academic, industrial, and governmental communities.
  • Increase the number of adults capable of conducting research and development.
  • Provide opportunities for outstanding student researchers to present their findings orally to interested students and adults.